Add overall comments listing in folio viewer when item displayed has overall comments, including in folio index. When inserting comment, the magic space into which the comment is going to appear should remain highlighted in the document text as comment is composed, or there should be a pointer to the location. "Post a comment" should tell poster the location letter of the comment will be, e.g. "Post comment, location 1.1-A" for document 1.1, location A. [[37]] Post-a-comment text window should be smaller to begin with so submit button is visible. Replace "Post This Message" with "Submit comment". When follow-up comment is posted responding to an inserted comment, should update folio viewer so the reply is reflected in the comment reference (e.g. "(1 reply)"). [[39]] Should only yellow-highlight the reply/s part in the folio viewer, i.e. original comment and replies should have separate references. When refresh browser button is clicked, currently all state information in viewers is lost. [[38]] This needs to be fixed so that refresh goes back to where the viewers were. New decision interface should implement what we discussed in my office several weeks ago - the stuff on my whiteboard (e.g. no "Delete proposition" button while composing, etc.). Same for straw poll. Need to push pop up to front always when clicked on, so if one is sitting around it doesn't get blocked and confuse user. Instead of a warning message asking "Are you sure you want to post..." when user clicks post for document, discussion item, etc., should display in the popup what will appear and ask for confirmation. [[40]] Eventually can add editing there too. Document revision should include document number in editing popup so user knows what it will [[41]] be. Revision of version other than the most recent document should note this in parentheses in folio index. In discussion viewer: In view by item, meeting-area-general comments should go at the bottom of the discussion index. Order of items in view by item should correspond to chronological list in folio index (see above). View by author should segregate comments by author, similarly to segmentation by item in view-by-item. Only "collapse" should show when in expanded mode in discussion index, and vice versa. Change "Reply to this message" in comment reader to "Respond to this comment" (implying it will be publicly viewable). Enlarged panes should retain fixed frame control panels. Each pane should reflect state in standard view when change is made in enlarged window, including autoscrolling. "Post this message" in "Post a comment" popup should be changed to "Post this comment". In date view, When I click on "New document" announcement comment itemref in discussion index, pulling up the new document in folio viewer, and then click on the subject of an inserted comment for the same document (e.g. "I laughed, I cried"), the doc title in the comment reader header currently stays highlighted green. It should unhighlight, since the itemref for the displayed comment (the inserted one) is now different from that of the announcement comment whose itemref is still highlighted in green in the discussion index. The itemref refers to location as well as document for documents. My new recommendation is to code location in angle brackets after the document title, e.g. "1 new document " in the itemref. Eventually, I think this should be reflected in the navigation bar, so that when you click on an itemref in the discussion index with a location letter in it, that will also show in the nav bar in the folio viewer control panel. For navigating through locations using the nav menu itself, this could be done with a mouseover dropdown whenever you hover over a document with inserted comments. I don't assume this for version 0.1 obviously. For now, the angle bracketed location letters only need appear in the discussion index and comment reader header for itemrefs of displayed comments.