Django Deme paper at IWWOST 2009

June 10th, 2009

The architecture and motivations behind the upcoming 0.9 version of Deme are described in a new paper that will be presented later this month:

Todd R. Davies and Mike D. Mintz, “Design Features for the Social Web: The Architecture of Deme“, 8th International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies (IWWOST 2009), Donostia-San Sebastián, June 23, 2009

The project site for the Django version of Deme is

New version of Deme in Django

May 16th, 2009

Over the last year, a new version of Deme as a content management system/framework has been developed in Django/Python. The home site for Django-Deme is Deme.Stanford.Edu

Deme in Rails

September 6th, 2007

We are excited to announce an architectural release of Deme (0.7 Skeletal) written in the web framework Ruby on Rails. The free, open source software is released under the Affero GPL and is available to view / download on our Trac page. Our documentation is also online.

Please bear in mind that this is an architectural release of Deme, with limited functionality. Check back often, as new features will be added regularly as they are developed.

Deme at RailsConf 2007

May 4th, 2007

If you are going to RailsConf 2007 in Portland, Oregon, come to our BoF session on Friday evening, May 18, 9:30-10:30 pm at the Oregon Convention Center (rooms c123-c124). We’ll demo the new, Ruby on Rails version of Deme there.

Deme will rise again, in Rails!

April 12th, 2007

Greetings, Deme loyalists. We’ve been hard at work on a brand new implementation of Deme in Ruby on Rails. The rewrite began last summer and we plan to show off what we have to people at RailsConf in Portland May 18-20. As before, the code will be free/open. Stay tuned.

Update on new release

June 11th, 2006

We’ve been a bit delayed in getting the new AJAX version of Deme (v0.6) ready for release. The plan is to have it ready very soon, though, so stay tuned!

Slides from CodeCon presentation

February 15th, 2006

The slides from our presentation at CodeCon 2006 are now available on Todd Davies’ website.

Latest development code

February 12th, 2006

The current code for version 0.6 is available through subversion. See here. This is pre-release, for the demo at CodeCon today.

Deme updates

February 6th, 2006

The new version of Deme will be demonstrated on Sunday, Feb. 12, at CodeCon 2006 at StudioZ in san francisco. We will post the new code online beforehand so that conference participants can access it. In the past, CodeCon audio streams and an IRC channel have been set up for use during the conference - watch the conference homepage for more info.

A video of Todd Davies’ recent People, Computers, and Design seminar presentation, “Designing for Deliberation”, is available here. The slides are also available on Todd’s website.

New technical paper available

December 17th, 2005

While you’re waiting for the new version of Deme, Ben Newman (Deme Team developer) has written a course paper detailing how he’s solved a vexing problem for programming the new version’s interface: the “hidden fields” limitation in JavaScript’s inheritance scheme. His library-based approach, building on Prototype, is described here [pdf file].